Home Grown (Garden)

Start A Garden In The City!

IMG_8218[1]I don’t believe I’ve ever been this excited about the change of seasons. This winter in our area (Virginia) has been brutal. Summer is my season. If by chance winter reappears all of my hard work will be for not! Cross your fingers for me because we (A and I) finally planted our garden for the season. Whoot Whoot!

Living in the city gives the illusion that growing your own food is not doable. That is so far from the truth! Even with minimal outdoor areas you can grow your own food! Using raised garden beds, flower pots, hanging pots, trash bags or any item that will hold dirt and be placed near a window or outside in sunlight are viable options to start a garden in the city.

This year we decided to minimize the amount of vegetables and fruit (A insisted on trying cantaloupe) we planted to test a theory of overcrowding. Our tomato harvest is always plentiful but some of the other items aren’t so much. Tomatoes are so easy to grow. Through research I found overcrowded garden space could limit your harvest.  So what did we plant in the raised garden? Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, green beans, and cantaloupe. All summer we should be able to enjoy fresh salads, fried green tomatoes, fried green beans and streamed green beans, salt-pepper-vinegar cucumbers, just cucumbers, fresh salsa, homemade spaghetti sauce (yes I’m going to try that lol), and more variations!

Instead of planting everything in our small raised garden we planted herbs inside in cute little tin pots from Dollar Tree and potatoes in trash bags. We attempted to plant herbs inside from seeds but that didn’t go so well. In addition to fresh herbs at your fingertips all year long the aroma that fills your kitchen is an added bonus. Our kitchen is scented with cilantro, parsley, basil, and oregano. Fresh herbs add quite the kick to any recipe!

Seed potatoes were planted in 30 gallon trash bags for the first time. Who would believe potatoes could be grown in bags? Last year our potatoes were grown in large pots. The harvest was plentiful but small. Basically, potatoes need room to grow. If you have researched growing potatoes you know the greenery must be covered as it grows and the tubes (potatoes) have to grown under the soil. This is what makes large plastic bags an ideal option for city gardens. As the greenery grows the bag can be rolled up allowing for 30 gallons worth of soil for potatoes to grow. This option also limits the amount of space needed to grow the potatoes. Put a few cuts in the bag, plant the seed potatoes in the bag under the soil, place the bags in a spot outside that has full sun exposure, keep the soil moist, and continue to cover the greenery throughout the season. When the greenery begin to turn yellow and die stop watering. In a month or so cut the bag open and watch the tubes fall! Ekkkk I cannot wait!


In the near future (very near future like tomorrow because I have the “waste” in my refridgerator lol), I plan to create a DIY compost bin using a plastic tote. Compost bins help to reduce waste keeping more trash out of landfills as well as create nutrients for garden (flower) beds. As a plus I also save a few bucks by making compost myself!

If you are wanting to start a garden while living in the city believe me it is possible and worth it!


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IMG_0198[1] Asia Spratley is a 34 year working mother of 2. I have many interests. YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagam are my go to apps for inspiration for meals, home decor and DIY projects. Leave a comment or like if you feel it! If not, thank you for reading! Sending you light and love on your journey through this thing called like! 

XO Asia Spratley

One thought on “Start A Garden In The City!

  1. Wonderful! I love your creativity! Your raised garden bed is beautiful. I’m all about raising awareness that you don’t need tons of space to grow your own food. When my daughter was a toddler we lived in an RV. We had salad, herbs, sprouts, and mushrooms in the windows. When the weather allowed, we took our greenery outside. Keep up the good job!


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